Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nuclear Energy sources

Jrank- I used this site for information about the controversy over nuclear energy and some specific figures about it.

World Nuclear Organization - This site provided me with extensive information about the chernobyl accident, and the 3 Mile Island accident. Also i got a breif overview of radiation sickness from it as well.

NRC- I used this site to further my research on Chernobyl, mostly about how the aftermath was handled. also i used this site to get a more in-depth view on radiation sickness.

Nuclear Energy Institute - I used this site mainly for its statistics and information about nuclear energy in the modern day. also this site allowed me to get a hold of the potential future of the nuclear program. In addition this site gave me the status of americas nuclear waste management systems and the problems that lie within.

Stanford- This site provided a view on nuclear politics. mainly information about the nuclear programs of countries in Europe and how nuclear energy can play a role in a countries power and leverage.

EPA- This government site provided me the knowledge of how america is handling nuclear energy. This also gave me quantitative data about americas consumption rate of energy.

Green Peace - this site provided information about the Fukishima reactor's meltdown in Japan.

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